Fern Orie Authors Chapter in Invisible No More: Voices from Native America

Our very own Fern Orie has authored a chapter in Invisible No More: Voices from Native America!
“For too long, Native American people in the United States have been stereotyped as vestiges of the past, invisible citizens in their own land obliged to remind others, “We are still here!” Yet today, Native leaders are at the center of social change, challenging philanthropic organizations that have historically excluded Native people, and fighting for economic and environmental justice.
Edited by Raymond Foxworth of First Nations Development Institute and Steve Dubb of The Nonprofit Quarterly, Invisible No More is a groundbreaking collection of stories by Native American leaders, many of them women, who are leading the way through cultural grounding and nation-building in the areas of community, environmental justice, and economic justice.”
Pre-order your copy now and use discount code NOMORE at https://islandpress.org/books/invisible-no-more